We just got excited texts from the field! They have found what appears to be the remains of an ancient wooden sledge. The discovery was made not far from where the 1300 year old ski was found two years ago. It is broken into pieces, but maybe it is possible to put it back together again?

The crew in still in the field. We only have two low-resolution mms pictures, but it certainly looks like the real deal.

It is hard to say anything specific about the age of the find, but it has an iron nails, showing that it from the Iron Age or younger.
Update Friday 19th of August
The crew came down from the ice this afternoon and brought the finds with them. After having a closer look we can confirm their impression from the field: Yes, it really is an ancient sledge!

The sledge has now been transported to the Norwegian Mountain Center in Lom, which is where we keep the finds during the field season. When the season is over, it will be moved to the Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo, for conservation. In the meantime, it will be possible for the public to see the remains of the sledge in the glacier archaeology exhibition at the Norwegian Mountain Center, in a specially designed cooler. But be quick, it will be there for a short time only,