The combination of climate change and very well preserved artefacts melting out of the ice has made glacial archaeology an interesting topic, both for the media and the general public. This is the main reason we created the Secrets of the Ice webpage and social media.
In this section, you can find a selection of media links for the most important news stories on glacial archaeology with an emphasis on the ice finds from Innlandet County.

In English:
The Ancients interviewed Lars Pilø on Ötzi, the iceman.
Popular Science published an article on glacial archaeology, featuring our work.
Our 2023 fieldwork was covered by New York Times, Artnet News, Live Science, Discover Magazine, and others.
Washington Post published a great piece on the dramatic 2022 melt in the Alps, including information about finds in Norway.
Our 2022 Ötzi-paper received a lot of media coverage, especially in the Alps: Science, National Geographic (Germany), Süddeutsche Zeitung, Smithsonian Magazine, Science Norway and many others
ABC Australia (radio) interviewed us about glacial archaeology and our 2022 finds.
Newsweek covered some of our 2022 finds.
In 2021, we discovered the best preserved pair of skis from prehistory and the story was widely covered with articles in Science, Smithsonian Magazine, Daily Mail, Ski Magazine, Spektrum (German), Le Parisien and Geo (French), and many other news outlets.
New York Times published a feature on frozen heritage in 2021, including our work.
The Observer published a long read about glacial archaeology in 2020, featuring our work.
Our 2020 The Holocene paper about the Langfonne ice patch received a wide media coverage with articles in National Geographic, CNN, New Scientist, Spektrum (German), (Norwegian) and others.
Our 2020 Antiquity paper on the lost Viking mountain pass at Lendbreen created a big media buzz with articles in National Geographic, Science, Nature, Scientific American, New York Times, Smithsonian Magazine and many others.
In the aftermath of the big melt in 2019, there was a long article in Medium covering our work.
In 2019, CNN did a piece on the melting of frozen heritage, featuring our work.
After our 2018 scientific paper in Royal Society Open Science, there were a number of media stories. A small selection here: National Geographic, Smithsonian Magazine, Russia Today, Science Nordic.
Science Nordic joined us in the field in 2016.
Motherboard published a story on glacial archaeology in 2016.
New Scientist wrote in 2016 on the threat caused by climate change to cultural heritage, including glacial archaeology.
Scientific American wrote about glacial archaeology in 2015.
The melting av glaciers has also led to the reappearance of mountaineers, who disappeared decades ago. BBC had a story on this subject in the Alps in 2015. The same was done by McClatchy, with finds on Mexican volcanos as a starting point.
The melt has led to the reappearance of WW1 soldiers, who died during battles at high altitude in South Tyrol. The American web magazine Motherboard published a story on this in 2014.
The popular science website ScienceNordic published a news story on the 2014 glacial finds from Innlandet.
An article on glacial archaeology in i Science, with several pictures from Oppland. From 2014 (pay-walled).
BBC published a story in 2013, which carried information on the Lendbreen tunic and on Neolithic arrowshafts from Oppdal, Sør-Trøndelag County.
Reuters published a story on the tunic from Lendbreen in 2013.
A journalist from Archaeology Magazine followed us in the field at Lendbreen in 2012.
A follow-up by the The Guardian, after the Reuters piece.
The first global news story on the glacial archaeology in Oppland, published by Reuters in 2010.
In German:
Süddeutsche Zeitung and popular science magazine Spektrum der Wissenschaft published articles about the Lendbreen pass in 2020.
Neue Zürcher Zeitung wrote about the archaeological finds from mountain passes in Switzerland in 2016.
Popular science magazine Bild der Wissenschaft wrote about glacial archaeology in 2015.
Süddeutsche Zeitung published a story on glacial archaeology in 2015.
Der Spiegel wrote on the Lendbreen tunic in 2013. The same year Der Spiegel also wrote about the glacial archaeology in Innlandet.
In Italian:
The magazine Panorama wrote about the glacial archaeology finds in Innlandet in 2014.